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WP6 -Supporting and widening t
WP6 -Supporting and widening t
To identify practices and explore means of enhancing and widening the uptake of R&I results, including innovation pathways that enhance the science-policy-society interface. Engaging stakeholders and building capacity in co-developing, co-evaluating and demonstrating instruments and activities that enable, enhance and widen the uptake and towards up scaling these intruments and activities.
Self Reported
Overall Project Progress
Project Targets
KPI 6.2: Key enablers and barriers considered in the context of enhancing R&I uptake
10 /20 Explored in terms of their impact and significance in Europe and roles in enhancing or preventing uptake within associated and widening countries achieved
kPI 6.3 Stakeholder engagement throughout interviews, workshops, follow-up discussions and showcasing events
8/15 One third from each of tree uptake dimensions, 30% from widening countries, 40% from vulnerable and/or marginalised representative groups including gender equality and youth achieved
KPI 6.1 Innovation pathways identified and analysed
7/9 Number of innovation pathways with 3 per uptake dimension: Market, regulator, societal achieved
Project Milestones
  1. The launch of WP6 -Supporting and widening t

    Today marks the start date of WP6 -Supporting and widening t

  2. M6.1

    Secure stakeholder engagement to support delivery of Task 6.2 and Task 6.3

  3. M6.2

    Establish series of facilitated discussions and workshops towards validating the existing innovative pathways, enablers and barriers and exploring additional pathways and instruments

  4. M6.3

    Co-designing and organising showcasing events

  5. M6.4

    Delivery of showcase events

  6. Project is ongoing!
