SDG Dashboard
The Netherlands Red Cross
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Chronic Crisis South Sudan
Chronic Crisis South Sudan
The core strategic component is to build community resilience through an effective WASH intervention. This is achieved by improving access to safe drinking water, provision of sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion, creating job opportunities in the WASH sector and creating disaster risk capacities to manage flood risks.
Self Reported
Overall Project Progress
Project Targets
This project enables 120.465 people in 20 bomas (8 payams) in Terekeka county to build community resilience to acute shocks and chronic stresses through increased access to WASH services, more diversified livelihoods and better capacity to manage water risks, such as floods.
0/120.465 People achieved
Number of local National Society branches whose capacities were built
0/0 number of branches achieved
Number of local responders' capacity strengthene Number of NS staff and volunteers directly supported with trainings and coaching to support their anticipation and response skills
0/0 Number of NS staff achieved
Supported SDG's