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Fair Climate Fund
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Clean cooking pellets, Rwanda
Clean cooking pellets, Rwanda
Cooking with pellets in Rwanda has many benefits in terms of health, climate and environment, social aspects and the economy. Cooking with pellets is cleaner, faster and cheaper than with charcoal. In addition, raw materials for pellet production can be obtained from local sources. This stimulates the local economy and reduces dependence on imported energy solutions. The materials consist of substances such as wood or organic residues, creating a circular solution. In addition, many green jobs are created within the project’s value chain. Pellets provide opportunities for entrepreneurs, farmers and young graduates – especially women – to enter a new sector that offers opportunities in domestic and foreign trade.
Self Reported
Overall Project Progress
Project Targets
Households that have perceived air quality improvement till 2023 10.800 reached x % of household that perceived air qulaity inprovement. 60% target?
2025/6000 SDG 3, households reached achieved
Hours saved till end 2023
157692/400000 SDG 5, gender equality hours saved achieved
Clean cooking unites installed in total at the end of 2023. 3543 units = 15.254 people reached
3543/10080 SDG 7, clean energy achieved
tonnes CO2 equivalent reduced
7251/42180 SDG 13 Climate action, 2023 achieved
Tonnes wood saved (current 6.642 wood saved divided by current total CO2 x target co2)
6642/38637 SDG 15 Life on land achieved
Supported SDG's
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